Studies are conducted by scholars across the world which confirmed our old age wisdom – yoga has huge mental & physical benefits for folks affected by chronic and non- communicable diseases, specially diabetes. Regular yoga practice stimulates the organs which are responsible to improve metabolic activities. As a outcome, the cellular reactions become more efficiently, make it hugely beneficial for diabetes patients. Being a diabetic is very difficult since insufficient insulin production will lead to metabolic imbalances which disrupt the glucose regulation levels in the body. Researchers are proven that regular practice of yoga will lead to improvements in both cholester and fasting glucose levels. Stimulating the pancreas with the help of yoga postures and helps to rejuvenate insulin production. Many asanas also assist to stimulate the circulatory and nervous system, keeping the blood sugar levels in check. Study showed that regular practice of yogaasanas such as Ardha Matsyendrasana in combination with Dhanurasana,Vakrasana, Bhujangasana & navasana help to improve the sensitivity of B-cells to glucose and therefore promotes insulin secretion. The practice of asanas also aids to increase blood circulation that in turn helps to improve Glucose uptake. Improvement in hormone homeostasis also improves glycemic control in people with diabetes. Apart from asanas, practicing breathing exercises like kapalbhati and anuloma viloma it is also extremely beneficial. Anuloma viloma is alternate breathing techniques which facilitates our nervous system & helps the bodily systems to maintain equilibrium. This helps abate stress, that is another potential contributor to hyperglycemia. Kapalbhati stimulates the production of insulin, and when combined with Nauli Kriya, which really helps keep the blood sugar levels in check. A satvik diet rich in fiber, legumes, whole grains and vegetables is a perfect complement to the exercise regimen. Let us have look at some helpful yoga asanas for diabetics.

The Following yoga postures are for weight loss


A person doing yoga

Lie face down with your arms stretched forward to the side and feet parallel to your hips. Bend your legs and bring the heels close to the hips. Hold them at the ankles. Take a deep breath, gently lift your chest upwards, pull up your legs, and look up. Stay in this pose while focusing on your breath for 30 seconds. Do not strain. While exhaling bring the body down. Take deep breaths and relax.


A person doing yoga

Lie down on the abdomen and place the palms besides the chest. Keep the feet together. While inhaling raise the head, chest and navel up. Keep the elbow close to the trunk. Breathe normally in the final position. While exhaling bring the body down and relax.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

A person doing yoga

Sit with the legs stretched forward. Fold the right leg and keep it under the left leg in such a way that the heel touches to the left hip. Bend the left leg and place the foot on the outer side of the right knee. Place the left hand at the back on the floor. While inhaling, raise the right hand and while exhaling, cross the arm over the left leg and hold the big toe. Simultaneously turn the trunk and head towards the left. Maintain the posture with normal breathing. While inhaling return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.


A person doing yoga

Lie on the back. While inhaling, raise the head, spine and legs at the angel of 30 degree from the ground. Balance the body on buttocks. Stretch the arms forward with the palms facing down. Breathe normally and maintain the position for 15 to 20 seconds. While exhaling bring the body down. Make sure you practice these poses under the supervision of a trained yoga instructor till you master them. Monitor your blood sugar level closely, and do not skip your prescription medication. It is also advised that you gradually increase the duration of these postures over time.